Power House Of Pakistan

Whitecoat is a professional emblem of doctors. As a Doctor of Pharmacy, I love this white uniform as it emits pure and angelic aura. I dressed up and proudly wore my overall as today I had to go to a medical camp. I don’t know when I started to feel like helping others, making efforts for others but it sure happened with time. And I believe everyone has this spirit, just a little lag till it emerges to surface.

This medical camp was arranged by a non-profit organization named All Pakistan Students Union (APSU), whose motto is to “learn and serve”. APSU is founded by students of Shifa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences. And all the core team members are my juniors. People younger than me have started this organization to help others. Their leadership skills are worth talking about because the way they gathered thousands of students with them, sure is a remarkable feat. Despite being a student, they didn’t shy off from the responsibilities as a citizen of Pakistan. They worked hard to reach this state where now APSU is.

It was raining heavily when I reached the avenue. I did face some difficulties during travel but still I was passionate to go and serve the deserving. The thing that encouraged me the most was the spirit of APSU members. Well, I reached there and met many of my university mates and experienced practitioners. There were many specialized doctors with decades of experience. And almost every organizer of the camp was a student. We unpack the medicines, showed doctors their rooms and arranged vitals counter.

APSU is an organization where students contribute and work for the betterment of society. Talent isn’t rare in Pakistan, there is just a need to take the cover from it. Students from backward areas don’t get all the opportunities as a student living in urban areas. So, APSU helps those by arranging and managing online skill-enhancing webinars to empower them. Purpose of which is to make youth independent in terms of finance. And to make students capable of standing for their rights and having the courage and ability to serve others.

A lot of patients came to the camp. At first me and my friend jotted the history and vitals of patients, and then referred them to doctors. More than 700 patients were treated and many of them were referred to other hospitals for free check-ups. Patients seem satisfied with their treatment and many of them gave us blessings while leaving.

It was a fun day, we enjoyed ourselves and learned a lot. We insisted on having a group photo to keep as a souvenir. So, we had a photoshoot and then we enjoyed lunch together. APSU chairman thanked everyone for coming and joining this dutiful task. We felt happy, as we have contributed our part for the welfare of society. We received a million prayers from our patients.

After a tiring yet good day, I realized one thing that Students are the actual powerhouse of a country. Being a student isn’t a disadvantage but a power to strengthen more. A lot of students from SCPS are involved in this welfare work without any political support. They worked hard by themselves and contributed for all the free medicines given to deserving patients. Students are like Dr. Stone who can bring revolutions in this tiresome world, who can bring advancements in the scientifically, lousy world, only by dreaming and working freely. Students are the only one who can bring light to this dark world.

Let’s try to be Dr. Stone for our country and make Pakistan a flourishing and affluent country. Let us show our true power to all those who have underestimated us. Let’s shine brightly as a sun to enlighten everything coming in our way!

By Hafsa Bibi (Blue Lunar)

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