(An autobiography of a cat)
A month before Eid-ul-Adah , suddenly clouds started blacking, sky was weeping and whining. Drains were filling with water. There was complete blackout and I was born in the rubble with my other brothers and sisters. My mother indeed unknowingly left me and took my other siblings with her. I was vexed with mischievous children and then little rascals threw me in the drain. I was crying, shouting and calling for help but no one listened. I fainted and opened my eyes in the entrance of someone’s home. I run with my fragile legs hid myself in the boxes . I felt hungry , I was missing my mother’s milk. What a soft and warm bosom it was . You forget all miseries of life . I took out my head and saw a pot of milk for me , mutering up my courage and advanced my feet towards it. After satisfying my hunger. What i saw a white fur , it seemed familiar to me, I ran towards it. I sit near it and felt warmth. She by her mouth kept me more near to her. I slept over there . I woke up and realized that she was not my mother . She was a goat living here as to made her an offering to Allah. What house owner gave her to eat. She shared with me. She treated me like her own child. I forgot m real mother, started loving her as if she were my mother. Mother,who cares, looksafter you and sacrifices all her comforts for you. She shared everything with me . The mirth and merriment I got from her nothing in this world could substitute. Then a day of sacrifice came. Fate again was dominant, it snatched my mother again. Now I was so alone . I was leaving as stranger. I had no one to share my pains. Children of that house (where I was living) played with me , tied rope around my neck and ran after me . I didn’t mind and tried to entertained them atleast i was living in their home.
You have to pay for everything
in life.
Now that time had come of which my sixth sense was alarming . I was grew enough to find my prey . One day house owner trapped me in the sack threw me out somewhere. Now I am wandering in the streets.
~Fatima Zaheen