Sometimes, I wish I knew the reason behind every situation in which we have to stop ourselves from being stressed. A situation that makes us believe that the things which seem so right for us and for our future selves are not good enough. Things that make us happy are not good for our happiness.
Imagine if we know the reason behind these situations, so it does not hurt us. We won’t fight for these things to get them back. But in this world, we get our answers if we ask Allah. Remember when in childhood our parents said: “Allah will talk to you if you say something to him, Do friendship with him and He will be your friend”. And we said in our hearts, ” Allah Tallah, will you be my friend”. And we feel after this that he says yes. It’s just like that if you ask Allah why this happened to you, why it wasn’t better for you, He will answer it. Indeed, He will show you your answers.
Allah says: “I am for My slaves exactly as He thinks of Me.”
Allah has a plan for us. Allah, who created us, who made each of us truly perfect, how can his intentions be wrong for us? How can He allow us to choose fire? Because He loves us, He has so many good things for us in His universe. So trust him; He knows how to take what we love, so He surely knows how to make us happy again. It’s darkest before dawn. But believe in it, there is a dawn of our happiness that exists. Take your pierced hearts and give them to Him. He will heal it. Tell him the things people said slyly to you, He will tackle it.
-Rabbia Malik